Tyne Derwent Way event payment guide

While many of our events are free, some do have a charge. These events cost us to put on, and we also want to recognise and value Gateshead's nature, culture and heritage. However, any of us could find money hard to come by at any time. That's why we have introduced a sliding scale payment structure; so that everyone can enjoy and experience Gateshead's green getaway.
Follow the guide below to help you decide how much to pay for one of our events:
Tier 1
Paying £0 - £3 per event
- I frequently stress about meeting basic* needs and don't always achieve them
- I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs
- I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing
- I sometimes can't afford public or private transport. If I own a car/have access to a car, I am not always able to afford petrol
- I am unemployed or underemployed
- I qualify for government and/or voluntary assistance including food banks and benefits
- I have no access to savings
- I have no or very limited expendable** income
- I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
- I cannot afford a holiday or have the ability to take time off without financial burden
Tier 2
Paying £6 per event
- I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them
- I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
- I can afford public transport and often private transport. If I have a car/access to a car I can afford petrol
- I am employed
- I might have access to financial savings
- I have some expendable income
- I am able to buy some new items, and I buy others second hand
- I can take a holiday annually or every few years without financial burden
Tier 3
Paying £12 per event
- I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs
- I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
- I own my home or property, or I rent a higher-end property
- I can afford public and private transport. If I have a car/access to a car I can afford petrol
- I have access to financial savings
- I have an expendable** income
- I can always buy new items
- I can afford an annual holiday or take time off
*BASIC NEEDS include food, housing, clothing and transport
**EXPENDABLE INCOME might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the cinema or a concert, buy new clothes, books and similar items each month, and so on.
The sliding scale payment structure is modelled on Alexis J Cunningfolk's Green Bottle approach visit www.wordsandcunning.com for more details.